13 March 2018

Professional Development events, sign up now

Easter Events 2018

Please see below some interesting professional development events coming up prior to your Easter break. Book now to avoid disappointment:

1 OCN Assessment and Internal Moderation training

Monday 26th March 2018 10.00-1.00

The purpose of this training is to provide a practical guide to the key aspects of the assessment and verification processes for OCN. Participants will gain an understanding of the role of the assessor and internal verifier and become familiar with the documentation required. All staff involved with the assessment and delivery of OCN qualifications are required to attend this 3 hour training event. A certificate will be awarded to successful participants.

2 Sharing Best Practice: Carousel Activity
Monday 26th March 2018 2.00 – 4.00
Student zone,  Level 4, Foyle Building
Training Provider/Facilitator:Emer O’Sullivan

Come and join us for this fast-paced and highly enjoyable event where we showcase and celebrate some of the tremendous work taking place across our College.  This carousel activity is an innovative way to share best practice and gain some great ideas that will have immediate effect on your practice. Topics include: Topics include: Adobe Spark Video, Plickers, Groupwork Strategies, Augmented reality, Embedding Employability and more.
3 Behaviour Management Workshop
Tuesday 27th March 10.00-12.00
This workshop will focus on ‘Behaviour Management’ to include:
•             Developing positive working relationships;
•             Working with the 'hard to reach';
•             Managing confrontation;
•             De-escalation strategies;
•             Secondary and more extreme behaviour.
4 Creating Innovative Learning Content Using Mobile Devices
Tuesday 27th March 2018 1.00-3.00
Training Provider: Martin Peoples

Wednesday afternoon sessions April- June ‘18

Planning outstanding learning and teaching

This is an opportunity to take part in a series of workshops to consider the key principles of great learning and teaching and to discuss and explore strategies with your peers that allow these principles to be put into action in your classroom.

Whether you are a new teacher or a teacher with years of experience, these workshops are suitable for all. They will give you an opportunity to develop important practices in your classroom that will help you become an even better teacher.

What Makes Great Teaching? Exploring the latest research

Learning and Teaching Team

Wednesday 12th April 2018 3.00-5.00

This workshop will give you a chance to examine the most recent research in educational practice in an attempt to understand what the evidence tells us about what makes great thinking. A practical and thought-provoking workshop which explores what the research tells us about effective and ineffective practice so we can ensure we can deliver quality teaching.

Differentiation Workshop

Wednesday  19th April 2018 3.00-5.00p.m.

Learning and Teaching Team

The core objectives of this workshop are to examine practical approaches and strategies to effectively differentiate to ensure the needs of all learners are met. Issues explored will include the following:

·         theories of learner modifiability: all learners can be changed

·         exploring practical strategies to aid differentiation

·         using the Teaching and Learning Cycle to make the implicit explicit with an emphasis placed on the value of the guided stage of the cycle

Examination Strategies

Wednesday 26th April 2018 3.00-5.00

This course provides strategies and approaches to help support students with their preparation for summative exams. Lots of tips will be provided on how to support student revision and independent learning, how to tackle an exam paper e.g. understanding command words and higher order thinking and how to effectively manage their time.

What to expect:

·         Exploring a range of strategies and approaches to support student revision.

·         How to improve the accuracy of student responses in written and timed exams.

Planning Outstanding Lessons

Wednesday 9th May 2018 3.00-5.00p.m.

Learning and Teaching Team

The purpose of this session is to highlight the content and delivery of an outstanding lesson. Participants will examine the key components of an outstanding lesson and gain an insight into the importance of reflection on planning. Participants also examine a range of high impact activities for use in the classroom.


Active Learning Strategies

Wednesday  16th May 2018 3.00-5.00p.m.

Learning and Teaching team

Active learning is about encouraging students to engage actively with their studies. The learning objective is more important than the task itself. In fact, whether something is an active learning task or not depends on the teacher's planning and style. This workshop considers the role of the teacher and active learning strategies within the bigger picture of the enquiry approach. Participants reflect on their own progress, attitudes and understanding of active learning and develop a shared understanding with colleagues.

Memory and How it Works 

Wednesday 23rd May 2018  3.00-5.00

The purpose of this session is to examine and explore some memory strategies that students can use to support their learning and experience success.